Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Scales, timetables and charts

Scales, timetables and charts

In Maths we have been learning to interpret and use scales, Timetables and charts.

Here is a link to our online modelling book.

These are the activities that I have completed as part of this learning.
(Link your answer sheets for each of these activities to this doc)
Use the ipad to take a photo and link the image to show evidence of the two tasks below.
  • When and weather - See my maths book for evidence of this.
  • Roundabout Rugby - See my maths book for evidence of this.

My next Step is to apply the new knowledge that I have gained to real life situations eg using airport/bus timetables.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Cultural Narrative


NZ Identity: Parliament.

As part of our New Zealand Identity unit we have been learning all about New Zealand Parliament.

Here is a link to the online modelling book for this unit if learning.

We have learned all about the different roles that people have in parliament.

Key roles in Parliament Activity ( link your doc here)

Some things that I have found interesting are:
  1. That there is 120 seats in parliament and I though there was less
  2. The process that a bill goes though to become a law
  3. That there is a Governor General and they are the queen's representative 

My next step is to see parliament in reality this/ next year on my Wellington trip.

Monday, 16 October 2017

Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.

WALT: Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.

Have you seen the voting paper, if not get you voting paper today.
I think that all of the parties are good but the best for me personally is Green. Greens is promising that they can make it safer for kids to walk and cycle home from school, but Labour has promised to provide school phones for primary and intermediate school student but can they really do that?. Here is some reasons that Greens would be the best political party to vote for.

The first point I would like to talk about is, making all rivers and lakes safer for swimming
It is good because it means that people will be able to swim in the rivers and lakes without getting sick. So it's a better and safer environment. It will help the fish stay alive and then when we are fishing we won’t get sick from eating them. It is good to have a safe environment but it is also good to be safe when you are walking and cycling home from school.

The second point I would like to talk about is, make it safer for kids to walk and cycle home
It will be better if we made it safer for kids to walk and cycle home from school so then we won’t have parents wondering where their kids are. It is better for your health because it gives you exercise and it helps you parents save money and fuel, from driving to school. It makes it better for everyone because it helps you and your parents save time and money from driving to school and then to work, and home again. It is good to have health benefits but it is good to have freshwater for drinking and swimming in.

The third point I would like to talk about is, establish a Prime Minister for freshwater
It will helps us be able to drink more water from places without getting an illness and to keep us safe and healthy.
It is good to have freshwater because we need the water to stay alive and healthy. It will be good because then we will have fresh water to drink and to keep us healthy and help us survive a dry spell. There is good things for your idea and thing against your idea.

The fourth point I would like to talk about is, train teachers on sexual orientation and gender identity
Because it is easier if we just have female teachers teaching girls and male teachers to teach boys. It would be weird if girls thought boys about you now what and it would be weird if boys taught girls about you know what. If I was teaching girls and I was a boy and talking about sexual stuff I would feel weird and if I was a girl and I was teaching boys I would feel gross. It is good to have good things about your ideas and bad thing and you always need a conclusion to wrap it up.

And this is my Conclusion
This is all for now but if you don’t know who to vote for I would suggest you vote for Greens to make the world a better place. I believe that Greens are the right party for the job and they can help the community and the whole of the south island. The main reason that I would vote Greens is because Greens is the ones whose I belive in to make the country a better place. Is Green's the best for the job? In my opinion, yes Greens is the best for the spot, and if you have not voted then vote Green to make the world a better place.

My next steps are:
  • To make sure I do capital I’s because I kept on forgetting.
  • Made sure that I add , and . and : ;

Friday, 22 September 2017

Technology 6

Technology 6 

This week we did not have Technology because we had Koru Games and that was fun we 3 days and 9 games. This week the volleyball girls B team did well. On Tuesday we did not play so we just played on the playground and that was fun. On Wednesday we had 5 games because we were going to play 3 games on Tuesday so the put the games in on Wednesday and so we won all of our games except for one, but we did well and we came 2nd in our pool and that was a great experience. On Thursday we had fun in the finals we played 3 games and we tried our best and the good thing was we came 8th out of 24 schools and we were really proud of that. And the girls A team got 6th overall (in the girls grade) and the boys got 2nd over all (in the boys grade)