Friday, 25 November 2016

I can find fractions decimals and percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers,simple fractions, and decimals.

WALT: I can find fractions decimals and percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers,simple fractions, and decimals.

Link to assessment task

Screenshot 2016-10-31 at 12.04.02 PM.png

Screenshot 2016-10-31 at 12.17.57 PM.png

Screenshot 2016-10-31 at 12.33.22 PM.png

Blog Post Title : Te Reo, Term 4 2016. 0

Blog Post Title : Te Reo, Term 4 2016. 0

This term we have been learning all about the Marae. We have learned that a
- Marae is a place where people get looked after.

  • The Marae is an important focal point for the community.
  • The Marea is a place where tradition and customs can be carried out.
  • The Marae is a place where people can express their values with dignity.
  • There are many kawa ( protocols) that prevail on the marae.
  • Marae kawa (protocols) can differ between maraes and iwi.

We have focussed on some key concepts when doing this learning.
These are listed and explained in the table below.

Definition -
give the meaning of these concepts in your own words.
It is a custom way of doing things.
To welcome others on to a marae.
Tangata whenua
People who are connected to a marae.
People visiting a marae.
Gives you somewhere to stay.
It means connection or belonging 
Care for someone. 
Loving and caring for others.

See this video for an explanation of the roles and responsibilities of people on a marae.

Something I would like to learn more about the marae is.................
- How many people can stay at a marae.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016



This term we have been learning about Parliament. We have looked at the difference between government and parliament, NZ parliament, who is in government, how our government works and we compared democracy to dictatorship.

Three things that I learned are NZ parliament are:

  • That the prime minister sits in the 4th seat on the right.
  • You get given a seat on how many votes you get in the elections.
  • National sits on the right side

Here is the link to my compare and contrast map explaining the difference between democracy and dictatorship.