Sunday, 28 May 2017

ICT Monitor 3

ICT Monitor 3

This week Candice and I had ICT to do like every week. The best part was putting them in zone 4 and finding were the laptops go also where everyone is and finding out who is BYOD and who is not BYOD. We count how many people are is zone 4 and then get those laptops out of a pod of 40 laptops, it is fun but takes awhile to get out. The leadership trait I showed was Resilient because I was able to do all of the laptops without fuse, And the care value I showed was Active thinking because it was hard to find a place to put the laptops.

Help The School 3

Help The School 3

This week I helped Mr Forman do basketball and helped Mrs Burquest do jump jam. I helped Mr Forman do basketball training with one of his teams it was fun I got to be a defender for them so they got used to playing in a real game, they did pretty well. I helped Mr Burquest do jump jam by helping carry things to where they go. The leadership trait I showed was Resilient because I was strong with doing all of the things for teachers, And the care value I showed was Community because I was helping the school witch is part of community.

Peer Mediation 3

Peer Mediation 3 

Today I did Peer and it was fun but someone forgot to do there duty so they did it with me. So we went to Mr Muller to give him his keys and then went around the school looking for any problems, (we found none). The best part was that we went looking for problems and found one we solved the problem fast. Then we finished peer mediation. The leadership trait I showed was Motivational because I encouraged the person to come do peer Motivational, And the care value I showed was Respect because I was respecting others.

Visual Language Assessment

Visual Language Assessment

WALT: I can take action to inform others about effective leadership

Looking at the matrix and our design, I think our application of Visual Language Features is at (Insert Solo Level Here) because...

Sunday, 21 May 2017

ICT Monitor 2

ICT Monitor 2

This week I did ICT in the morning and sorted out the laptops with Candice and we have a lot of names to do and give laptops and find out how has BYOD and who doesn't. The best part of ICT is working with Candice. The leadership trait I showed is Resilient because I was able to part with doing it in the afternoon but I was able to do the morning, And the care value I showed was Respect because I respected the laptops.

Help out the school 2

Help out the school 2

Today I helped the school by helping Mr Forman with Basketball uniforms for his teams, I also helped him by doing winter sport uniforms I helped set and pack them up it was fun to do all the work with Sabrina, Jade and Candice. The leadership trait I showed was trustworthy because I showed up on time and I was all ways there if Mr Forman needed me, And the care value I showed was Community because I was helping the school community.

Peer Mediation 2

Peer Mediation 2

Today I had peer mediation and I was the only one doing it it was okay but hard and I asked Katie to help and she did. The hardest and only problem was trying to get a hula hoop out of the tree, Katie and I tried to get it but we are to short. The leadership trait I showed was Active Thinker because I was able to think creatively to find a way to get the hula hoop out of the tree we didn't get it out but we tried, And the care value I showed was Community because I was helping the school with the problems. 

Saturday, 13 May 2017

C10. Design your own challenge. Poem

C10. Design your own challenge. Poem

I have done a poem it is called Dream Stream it is about a girl who is a god she loves this stream and saves it from the crack of dawn, here is my poem.

I had a dream about a stream, the stream was warm like the crack of dawn and then I yawned, I feel asleep right beside the stream it was cold and dark but then I saw a beam of light it was bright and white with yellow like jello.

Then I saw the stream shine it was like a dream and then I saw something drain the stream it was sad to see it go but I screamed “NO this is my stream I am the god of water you will not take my stream” and then woke up and said “oh it was just a dream”.

Friday, 12 May 2017

ICT Monitor 1

ICT Monitor 1

Today I did the laptops and I took them out and put them in with the cords. Today I found out that Candice and I are doing laptops in the morning and Amelia and Maddy Laing because Candice, Amelia and I do laptops together so the teachers split us up. The leadership trait I showed is Resilient because even though I wanted to do laptops in the afternoon I was strong and went with it, And the care value I showed was Respect because I was respecting the laptops.

Help Out The School 1

Help Out The School 1

Today Candice and I did 3 things to help out around the school. The first thing was at morning tea Candice and I went to the hall to help Mr Forman sort out basketball teams, second we headed out side of room 3 to clean up some leafs. and last we cleaned up the flax in the car park and that took a while. The leadership trait that I showed was Goal focused because I was focused on getting all of this done, And the care value I showed was Community because I was helping the school.

Peer Meditation 1

Peer Meditation 1

Today I helped out 5 kids bye myself. 2 kids were fighting each other with flax, 1 girl was playing in the bushes and her friends saw her go in there, 1 was playing in the sand pit and they worn't aloud and 1 was fighting with another boy. The leadership trait is showed was Trustworthy because I was relied upon to do my duty, And the care value I showed was Respect because I respected the school and the rules to being a Peer Mediator.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Term 1 Novel Study

Term 1 Novel Study

This term I have been reading and studying the novel Dragon Keeper

I found this novel ok because It is a good book but the start is ok and the end is ok but the middle is a little more interesting.

During the novel I had to complete a major assessment task. The first is an Explain Map which shows the consequences of a major event in the book.

National Standard this covers

  • Year 7/8  Standard
    • using several pieces of information to make inferences
      using their prior knowledge, along with information in the text, to interpret abstract ideas, complex plots, and sophisticated themes
    • I can use a range of strategies, such as inferring, to work out more complex words.

Use simple fractions and percentages to describe probabilities.

Use simple fractions and percentages to describe probabilities.

WALT: Use simple fractions and percentages to describe probabilities.

Something that was challenging for me was the 3rd activity where we had to read the question and use fraction and simplify the answer.

Here is the link to my assessment task  
Here is my 3 ixl activity screen shots
Activity One
Screenshot (11).png
Activity Two
Screenshot (21).png
Activity Three
Screenshot (22).png

Visual Language Assessment

Visual Language Assessment
WALT: can take action to inform others about effective leadership
7/8: I can use appropriate skills and technologies to find and use a range of texts for specific purposes.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Book Review

Book Review 

Title: Extinction

This story is about: Two kids around 13 years old they went to the beach one day because the live near the beach and they went for a swim and then came out of the water to find no one on the beach so they climb the rocks to find no one on the beach and then they look at the town to find no one there or anywhere, So they go the look for there family's or anyone then they see a car roll by and they see there neighbor and then they find her not breathing on the car horn. They go look in her house and find her dog terrified and bites him on the leg.

This book is a mystery a very great mystery.